Don’t you just love it when a great “new” style comes out that the kids go gaga over? Like Bell-Bottoms! Introducing the grandkids to cool things from the past and adding a little of their modern twist is one of my favorite things…
You’ve been a mom, now the fun part. Grandmahood. There’s nothing more fun and exciting than passing down your legacy. If you’re an insanely crazy person like me, and you’ve crammed everything into one lifetime you possibly can, then there’s a lot of legacy…
We are blessed to have the Broadway Dinner Theatre in the town where I live that offers a wonderful Children’s Musical in the summer. This is a live production and they serve a delightful children’s buffet before the show featuring kids yummy favorites, like…
The “Itsy Bitsy” Spiders You won’t see these darling little creepy critters crawling up the water spout! Your grandkids will love them, and after scaring Grandma for a good belly laugh, will be gobbling them up! But the best part is the fun you’ll…
Kids love Easter and all the fun things that come with it, especially the Easter Bunny! And why not? The Easter Bunny is fun and cute and well, most importantly, comes when they’re having sweet dreams and leaves them an Easter basket full of…